Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) Overview

The Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) is a manual containing the criteria we use in reviewing the fire prevention and fire suppression capabilities of individual communities or fire protection areas. The schedule measures the major elements of a community’s fire protection system and develops a numerical grading called a Public Protection Classification (PPC®).

Our FSRS employs nationally accepted standards developed by such organizations as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), and the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International. When those organizations update their standards, the evaluation changes as well. The PPC program always provides a useful benchmark that helps fire departments and other public officials measure the effectiveness of their efforts — and plan improvements.

How the FSRS works

The FSRS lists a large number of items (facilities and practices) that a community should have to fight fires effectively. The schedule is performance based and assigns credit points for each item. Using the credit points and various formulas, we calculate a total score on a scale of 0 to 105.5.

To receive certain PPC ratings, a community must meet minimum criteria. After a community meets those criteria, the PPC rating depends on the community’s score on the point scale. For more information, see:

  • Minimum Facilities and Practices to Get a PPC Rating
  • Minimum Criteria for Class 9
  • Minimum Criteria for Class 8B
  • Minimum Criteria for Class 8 or Better
  • Scores and PPC Ratings

The FSRS considers three main areas of a community’s fire suppression system: emergency communications, fire department (including operational considerations), and water supply. In addition, it includes a Community Risk Reduction section that recognizes community efforts to reduce losses through fire prevention, public fire safety education, and fire investigation.

Emergency communications

A maximum of 10 points of a community’s overall score is based on how well the fire department receives and dispatches fire alarms. Our field representatives evaluate:

  • the emergency reporting system
  • the communications center, including the number of telecommunicators
  • computer-aided dispatch (CAD) facilities
  • the dispatch circuits and how the center notifies firefighters about the location of the emergency

Fire department

A maximum of 50 points of the overall score is based on the fire department. We review the distribution of fire companies throughout the area and checks that the fire department tests its pumps regularly and inventories each engine and ladder company’s equipment according to NFPA 1901. We also review the fire company records to determine factors such as:

  • type and extent of training provided to fire company personnel
  • number of people who participate in training
  • firefighter response to emergencies
  • maintenance and testing of the fire department’s equipment

Water supply

A maximum of 40 points of the overall score is based on the community’s water supply. This part of the survey focuses on whether the community has sufficient water supply for fire suppression beyond daily maximum consumption. We survey all components of the water supply system. We also review fire hydrant inspections and frequency of flow testing. Finally, we count the number of fire hydrants that are no more than 1,000 feet from the representative locations.

Community risk reduction

The Community Risk Reduction section of the FSRS offers a maximum of 5.5 points, resulting in 105.5 total points available in the FSRS. The inclusion of this section for “extra points” allows recognition for those communities that employ effective fire prevention practices, without unduly affecting those who have not yet adopted such measures. The addition of Community Risk Reduction gives incentives to those communities who strive proactively to reduce fire severity through a structured program of fire prevention activities.

The areas of community risk reduction evaluated in this section include:

  • fire prevention
  • fire safety education
  • fire investigation

Obtaining the FSRS

The FSRS is available as a PDF:

  • 2013 revised FSRS — $100
  • 1980 FSRS — $100
  • Both 2013 and 1980 FSRS — $150

Fire chiefs can access a complimentary copy of the FSRS, by calling 1-800-444-4554 and selecting option 2. 

For more information on any topic related to the Public Protection Classification (PPC®) program or the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule, Contact us, or call our mitigation specialists at 1-800-444-4554.