You Make the Call: Search and rescue operations

thmb youMakeCallBy Ed Kensler
Commercial Property Field Analyst

While fire command and control classes may sometimes teach some information differently, the majority of those classes identify and prioritize the incident priorities clearly:

  1. Life Safety
  2. Incident Stabilization
  3. Property Conservation

In this issue, we want to poll our readers to determine when you believe search and rescue operations should begin on a fire ground. Watch the video below and then answer the survey questions.

You make the call:

Take the Survey

ISO Fire Suppression Rating Schedule

Our Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) is free to chiefs and other fire officials. It's a manual containing the criteria Verisk uses in reviewing the fire prevention and fire suppression capabilities of individual communities or fire protection areas. To recieve a copy of the FSRS, contact our National Processing Center at 1-800-444-4554 and select Option 2.

H2O and Verisk

Water supply and distribution systems are important factors in determining a community’s ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC®). We provide complimentary educational training and seminars to water providers and associations throughout the country. Contact Hugh Gibson, national water resources manager, at for more information.

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