On the job: David Hyland

Community Fire Protection News will profile a member of the ISO Community Hazard Mitigation team in each issue. For our first spotlight, meet David Hyland.

Name: David Hyland
Associate degree in fire science, bachelor’s degree in fire administration

Title: Field representative, ISO

Experience: David has 4½ years with Verisk. Overall, he served 34 years in the fire service, starting as a volunteer in 1977 and hired full-time in 1979; he retired in 2011. David works out of his home in Sisters, Oregon, and his territory is the state of Oregon.

Personal: David has been married for 35 years and has two daughters and twin granddaughters. His hobbies include camping, hunting, traveling, bike riding, snow skiing, and spending time in Las Vegas with his daughters and grandchildren. He also contributes regularly to the Red Cross.

CFP: Why did you join ISO?

David: One of my responsibilities in the fire service was working on ISO surveys. Our fire department was growing, adding stations, and annexing properties. We were asking ISO to come in often and update or resurvey the changes taking place. Due to that experience with ISO, my fire chief would send me to assist neighboring departments to prepare for upcoming surveys. I enjoyed the work, and after I retired, I saw an opening for an Oregon field representative and applied.

CFP: Can you describe your day-to-day activities?

David: I schedule appointments with fire departments that can serve as presurvey meetings or survey meetings, then follow up to completed surveys. I work on current surveys and answer any questions related to future surveys. I make sure that all fire chief questions, concerns, and clarifications are answered in a timely manner. I’m responsible for completing all assignments, tasks, and requests from my manager within the appropriate timeline.

CFP: What do you like best about your job?

David: I enjoy meeting people and traveling to areas of Oregon where I haven’t previously spent time.

CFP: What do you think is the importance of the work you do for our mitigation partners, customers, and ISO?

David: I provide the most updated information available from the fire protection area I survey. It’s essential information for ISO, our customers, and our mitigation partners, including fire departments, water departments, and emergency communications centers.

CFP: How do you like working for ISO?

David: I enjoy my job at ISO. The working environment is good, communications from our manager to the field are exceptional, and the support provided by staff to fix problems or clarify issues in a timely manner is very much appreciated.

ISO Fire Suppression Rating Schedule

Our Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) is free to chiefs and other fire officials. It's a manual containing the criteria Verisk uses in reviewing the fire prevention and fire suppression capabilities of individual communities or fire protection areas. To recieve a copy of the FSRS, contact our National Processing Center at 1-800-444-4554 and select Option 2.

H2O and Verisk

Water supply and distribution systems are important factors in determining a community’s ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC®). We provide complimentary educational training and seminars to water providers and associations throughout the country. Contact Hugh Gibson, national water resources manager, at hugh.gibson@verisk.com for more information.

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